Our Services


Our desexing services for dogs and cats are designed not only to prevent unwanted litters but also to contribute to the overall well-being of your beloved pets.

Our Team
Hope Island Consultation Room


Our Desexing Services

Why Choose Us?

Desexing, or spaying and neutering, is a surgical procedure that prevents pets from reproducing. Beyond birth control, desexing has numerous health and behavioural benefits, including reducing the risk of certain cancers, minimising aggressive behaviour in males, and preventing females from going into heat.

The Procedure

Our state-of-the-art surgical suite is equipped with the latest technology to ensure the safety and comfort of your pet during their desexing procedure. Our experienced veterinary team performs spaying (for females) and neutering (for males) under general anesthesia, adhering to the highest standards of care. We prioritise pain management before, during, and after the surgery to ensure your pet’s comfort and speedy recovery.

Pre-Surgical Assessment

Your pet’s health and safety are our top priorities. Before scheduling the procedure, we conduct a thorough pre-surgical assessment, including a physical examination and necessary blood tests, to ensure your pet is a good candidate for surgery.

Postoperative Care

After the procedure, we provide comprehensive postoperative care instructions and support. Our team will guide you through your pet’s recovery process, offering advice on pain management, activity restrictions, and wound care to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Education and Support

Our commitment to your pet’s well-being extends beyond the surgery room. We offer educational resources and support to help you understand the benefits of desexing and how to care for your pet before and after the procedure.

Frequently asked questions

Are follow-up visits required after the desexing procedure? If so, when and what do these involve?

A follow-up visit may be recommended to check the incision site, assess recovery, and remove sutures if they are not absorbable. Your vet will tell you if this is needed.

Are there any alternatives to desexing that I should consider for my pet?

Alternatives may include medical management for preventing reproduction or behaviours associated with the breeding instinct, but these are not typically recommended due to the higher ongoing management requirements and fewer health benefits compared to surgical desexing.

For answers tailored to your pet’s specific situation, or for more detailed information, it’s best to contact Hope Island Vet Surgery directly.

At what age do you recommend desexing for dogs and cats? Is there a risk in desexing too early or too late?

Most veterinarians recommend desexing dogs and cats between 4 to 6 months of age. However, it can be safely done for kittens and puppies as young as 8 weeks (about 2 months) under certain conditions. The timing can vary based on breed, size, and health considerations.

Can you provide more detailed information about what the desexing procedure involves for both male and female pets?

For males (neutering), the procedure involves removing the testicles through a small incision near the scrotum. For females (spaying), it’s more complex, involving the removal of the ovaries and usually the uterus through an incision in the abdominal wall. Both procedures are performed under general anesthesia.

Could you elaborate on the specific health benefits and any potential risks associated with desexing?

Benefits include a reduced risk of certain cancers, elimination of pregnancy risks, and potentially longer life expectancy. Risks are low but include standard surgical risks like anesthesia reaction or infection.

How far in advance do I need to schedule the desexing procedure? How long will my pet need to stay at the clinic?

Availability can vary, so it’s best to contact the clinic directly for scheduling. Some procedures may require a brief stay at the clinic for monitoring, but most pets can go home the same day.

How long does the recovery process usually take? What are the signs of a normal versus a problematic recovery?

Recovery time can vary but pets start to return to normal within 24-48 hours (about 2 days) after surgery, with complete recovery taking about 10-14 days (about 2 weeks). Monitoring for signs of infection or unusual behavior is important during this period.

How should I prepare my pet for surgery? Are there any specific feeding or medication instructions?

Instructions typically include fasting your pet for 8-12 hours before surgery to prevent anesthesia-related complications. Follow any specific guidance from our vets regarding medication or care.

What is the cost of the desexing procedure? Do you offer payment plans or accept pet insurance?

The cost for desexing varies based on the pet’s size, age, and any additional medical needs. Please give us a call and we can walk you through how our pricing works.

What kind of behavioural changes can I expect after desexing my pet? Will it affect my pet’s personality or energy levels?

Desexing can reduce aggressive and marking behaviours in males and eliminate heat cycles in females. It doesn’t significantly change a pet’s personality or energy levels.

What specific postoperative care will my pet need? How should I monitor the surgical site for infection or complications?

Postoperative care includes keeping your pet calm and restricted from vigorous activities, monitoring the incision site for signs of infection, and managing pain with prescribed medications. Ensure your pet does not lick or chew at the sutures.

Who can I contact if I notice any concerning symptoms or have questions during my pet’s recovery period, especially outside regular business hours?

Should you have any postoperative concerns please call us immediately. We also work closely with Animal Emergency Service Carrara who will be here for you and your pet in after-hours situations.


Additional information

Why Hope Island Vet Surgery?

Expert Care:

Our veterinary surgeons are experienced in performing desexing procedures with precision and care.

Safety First:

We follow strict protocols to ensure the safety and comfort of your pet throughout the desexing process.

Comprehensive Support:

From pre-surgical assessments to postoperative care, we provide you and your pet with end-to-end support.

Health Benefits:

We emphasise the health and behavioural benefits of desexing, contributing to a longer, healthier life for your pet.

Schedule a Consultation

Are you considering desexing for your dog or cat? Contact Hope Island Vet Surgery today to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and provide care for and support your pet’s needs.

At Hope Island Vet Surgery, we provide compassionate, high-quality care for your pets. Let us help you make an informed decision about desexing for the health and happiness of your beloved companion.