Alternatives may include medical management for preventing reproduction or behaviours associated with the breeding instinct, but these are not typically recommended due to the higher ongoing management requirements and fewer health benefits compared to surgical...
A follow-up visit may be recommended to check the incision site, assess recovery, and remove sutures if they are not absorbable. Your vet will tell you if this is needed.
Should you have any postoperative concerns please call us immediately. We also work closely with Animal Emergency Service Carrara who will be here for you and your pet in after-hours situations.
Availability can vary, so it’s best to contact the clinic directly for scheduling. Some procedures may require a brief stay at the clinic for monitoring, but most pets can go home the same day.
Benefits include a reduced risk of certain cancers, elimination of pregnancy risks, and potentially longer life expectancy. Risks are low but include standard surgical risks like anesthesia reaction or infection.